
Shared Tasks

Shared Tasks

2 min read

NFDI4DS organizes interactive events, such as hackathons and shared tasks, that attract the data science and AI community.

Shared Tasks provide a framework for scientifically exciting and challenging tasks for the NFDI4DS community. A shared task is a scientific event and a friendly competition to solve a research problem, the task.

NFDI4DS is currently organizing an extensive line-up of Shared Tasks. It provides each shared task together with a dataset. Currently, a number of shared tasks are running in the context of well-known events.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us via

Shared Tasks (Upcoming):

  • Task - Scholarly QALD at ISWC 2024

  • Task - TextGraphs-17 at ACL 2024

    • TextGraph fosters investigation of synergies between methods for text and graph processing. This year’s edition focuses on the fusion of Large Language Models (LLMs) with Knowledge Graphs (KGs).
    • Contact: Tilahun Abedissa (UHH) & Ricardo Usbeck (UHH)
  • Task - SOTA at CLEF 2024

    • SOTA: Tracking the State-of-the-Art in Empirical AI Scholarly Publications
    • Subtask 1: Task, Dataset, Metric (TDM) Extraction
    • Subtask 2: Task, Dataset, Metric, Score (TDMS) Extraction
    • Subtask 3: Zero-shot Task, Dataset, Metric (TDM) Extraction
    • Contact: Jennifer D’Souza (TIB)

Shared Tasks (In Preparation):

  • Task - Dataset Mention Detection
    • Contact: Wolf Otto (GESIS)
  • Task - Machine Learning Model Mention Detection
    • Contact: Saurav Karmakar & Matthäus Zloch (GESIS)
  • Task - Standards, FAIR principles, and FDOs
    • Contact: Fidan Limani (ZBW) & Atif Latif (ZBW)

Previous Shared Tasks:

  • Task - FORC at ESWC 2024
    • FORC: Field of Research Classification for Scholarly Publications
    • Subtask 1: General single-label classification
    • Subtask 2: Fine-grained NLP multi-label classification
    • Contact: Raia Abu Ahmad (DFKI) & Georg Rehm (DFKI)
  • Task - SOMD at ESWC 2024
    • SOMD: Software Mention Detection in Scholarly Publications
    • Subtask 1: Software Mention Detection
    • Subtask 2: Additional Information Detection
    • Subtask 3: Relation Extraction
    • Subtask 4: Disambiguation
    • Subtask 5: End to End
    • Contact: Frank Krüger (HS Wismar) & Stefan Dietze (GESIS)
  • Task - Scholarly QALD at ISWC 2023
    • Scholarly QUALD: Subtasks for Question Answering over Scholarly Knowledge Graphs
    • Subtask 1: SciQA — Question Answering of Scholarly Knowledge
    • Subtask 2: DBLP-QUAD — Knowledge Graph Question Answering over DBLP
    • Contact: Ricardo Usbeck (Uni Hamburg) & Sören Auer (TIB)